The Future what about it?

The Futuristic co.
Published in
3 min readMay 18, 2020


Well, we all think that in the future we will have fancy cars, the internet everywhere but we may be wrong.

As to some scientists, we won’t have flying cars in another 15 hundred years (150 years) and we won’t be able to experience it.


  • There’s a thing which repairs itself by nothing it’s a block of concrete which repairs itself and this could be a huge change for our world. Scientists have developed what they call living concrete by using sand, gel, and some kind bacteria. Researchers and scientists said this building material has a structural material function, Which is also capable of self-healing or (self-recovery) and is more environmentally friendly than concrete which is the second most-consumed material on Earth after water. The scientist from the University of Colorado Boulder thinks their work covers the way for future building structures that could “recover their cracks, suck up dangerous toxins from the air or even glow”.
  • Want to get to the stratosphere fast well try a ballon. If you want to take a trip into space, your quickest bet might be to take a balloon. The company World View wants to send tourists into the stratosphere, 32km above Earth, on hot air balloons. But Technically space is defined as 100km above sea level, but 32km is high enough to witness the curvature of the Earth. The balloon flew its first successful test flight in June 2019, and the company will start selling tickets in 2024.
  • Suppose you got cancer and want to take a vaccine ASAP well there’s a needle that can do that “smart needle” has been developed by scientists in the UK which could speed up cancer detection and diagnosis times. Researchers believe the technology could be particularly helpful in diagnosing lymphoma, reducing patient feelings as they await their results. At present, people with suspected cancer often have to provide a sample of cells, followed by biochemicals of the node to be carried out for a full diagnosis, a process that can be time-consuming. The new device uses a technique known as Raman spectroscopy.
  • Cars they’re very useful at many times but their battery is very time-consuming as its battery runs out quickly in Tesla and other electric cars but there is a solution Fast-charging of electric vehicles is seen as key to their take-up, so scientists can stop at a service station and fully charge their car in the time it takes to get a coffee and use the toilet. Researchers at Penn State University say this is because the flow of lithium particles known as ions from one electronic ion to another to charge the unit. However, they have now found that if the batteries could heat to 60°C for just 10 minutes and then rapidly cool again to low temperatures, lithium ions would not form, and heat then would be avoided. The battery design they have come up with is self-heating, using a thin nickel foil which creates an electrical circuit that heats in less than 30 seconds to warm the inside of the battery. The rapid cooling that would be needed after the battery is charged would be done using the cooling system designed into the car.

All these things will be in the future but let's hope not everything in the world does not.

