What happened to animal rights

4 min readMay 31, 2021
Animal rights

With the continuous growth of individualism, our fellow creatures’ inbred rights have become ever more inferior to the needs and wants of us humans

There has been a time where once we all looked at the images in articles like ‘Demand justice for animals’ or ‘Animal rights charity’ and I bet we’ve all looked at it sadly and said: ‘Aw, I feel so bad for it those poor little things’ but really never did anything to help out and you’re not the only one, thousands say this each day but never do anything that helps them. We just keep buying pets instead of adopting pets because so many pets that don't look good or have a disability we tend to leave it and buy a pet instead of adopting them

Now aside from the helping part, let's understand how we humans destroyed the nature of countless animal homes

Around half of the world’s original forests have been gone out and over 100 species of the Amazon has been going endangered because of their homes getting destroyed by climate change and more. Many species from the marine still being to the degradation of marine habitats and to the destruction of the species that rely on them to survive.

Animals are tortured, mutilated and slaughtered on factory farms for human benefit. Dairy, eggs, meat production has animal cruel and inhumane. Plastic usage has doubled since the early ’20s and 35% of the ocean is covered in plastic a type of jellyfish is getting extinct because of plastic. In perspective over 8% of the world, oil is used for plastic 1 million sea birds killed by plastic debris

Now, how about getting rid of plastic you may ask.

Well, it’s simple to say that over time all the waste from plastic adds up and getting rid of it is harder than it looks because we can't just burn it all up as it will cause carbon dioxide and inhaling it causes cancer now think about this we didn't burn up plastic because it will hurt us humans but we didn't care about the animals so we did something soo inhumane that eventually would have a big impact on us we never realised that throwing waste into the ocean eventually leads us to a decrease in animal population DRAMATICALLY the waste from the ocean they travel their way to glaciers polluting them.

Now, why do we care if the glaciers are covered in trash?

Well that is the exact problem we became soo selfish that we didn't care about the animals and honestly, animals come in our everyday lives and without some of them we wouldn't be alive and we always see movies with a superhero with powers but take a look around animals are the superheroes, bees, birds can fly cameleons can change colour while we cant and there's a single animal that is the cause of us living and that's the bee. they hold 90% of the pollination that's happening all around the globe Bees are vital to a healthy environment and healthy economy. Bees are perfectly adapted to pollinate, helping plants grow, breed and produce food. They do so by transferring pollen between flowering plants and therefore keeping the cycle of life turning.

And if bees were extinct

Without bees, they would set fewer seeds and would have lower reproductive success. This too would alter ecosystems. Beyond plants, many animals, such as bee-eater birds and bird eaters who eat birds, would also die off. This eventually leads to a domino effect making us die in the process; thus, we’d practically be dead right now without bees.

Now here are some quick facts on animal extinction we should be aware of now.

  • Species are becoming extinct 100 times faster than they would without human impacts.
  • Populations of wild animals have more than halved since 1970, while the human population has doubled.
  • Only five times before, our planet’s history has so many species and so much biodiversity has been lost so quickly. The fifth was when the dinosaurs were wiped out. That is why scientists and conservationists call what is happening now the ‘sixth mass extinction’. Some have even described the loss of biodiversity today as ‘biological annihilation.

Now, what is the ‘sixth mass extinction’ scientists and conservationists ask?

The scientists say that the ongoing sixth mass extinction may be the most serious environmental threat to the persistence of civilisation because it is irreversible. They say that it is caused by an ever-increasing population and consumption rates. All of this terrifyingly true and if we don't put a stop to anything in the end we might be the reason for all animals to die out and worse be the reason for this planet to become inhabitable

Now, what should we do to prevent this madness?

  • Reduce your carbon footprint.
  • Support efforts to educate nations to slow population growth or even make a campaign about this
  • Buy products from companies that limit deforestation by using sustainably produced almond oil, a major ingredient in food, cosmetics and soap.
  • Eat fish from healthy fisheries.
  • Eat less meat, to reduce agriculture’s clear-cutting of rainforests.
  • Never buy anything made from ivory or elephant tusk, Gucci bags or other brands which use snakeskin or tiger skin as they kill animals for it.
  • Adopt a species, or become a “citizen scientist” for a conservation group

Now I shall end my speech with a deep quote conveyed by an Animal rights activist, Anthony Douglas Williams:

Animals should not require our permission to live on earth. Animals were given the right to be here long before we arrived

Thank you

